【Tianmei ● Safety】Warmly celebrate the success of our company's 119 fire drill

Release Time. 2023-11-17 views:0


Think before it happens

Plan before it occurs

   In the past November 9, it was the 32nd Fire Publicity Day in China. In order to enhance the fire safety awareness of all employees of our company, improve the organization and disposal ability of our employees to deal with various fire accidents, in order to make all employees of our company proficient in the use of various fire-fighting equipment, evacuation and escape and extinguishing the initial fire, enhance self-rescue ability, early warning ability and other aspects of practical skills, but also in order to test and temper the emergency response ability of the volunteer fire brigade and then improve the actual combat ability.

  On the afternoon of November 16, 2023, our company carried out a fire drill in the second half of 2023, and all Tianmei people participated in this activity.


The fire drill is mainly divided into three parts: 1. Escape drill to master the basic skills of fire escape; 2. The use of fire-fighting equipment, the purpose is to master the use of fire extinguishers; 3. Familiar with the use of fire hoses and how to cooperate with professionals to extinguish fires with water pipes.

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"Fire" rapid drill to prevent micro problems


At 16:29 p.m. on November 16, 2023, thick smoke suddenly filled the production workshops, accompanied by rapid sirens.

Race against time to evacuate in an orderly manner



Goal: The fire alarm sounded, and all employees were evacuated to the company's designated safe assembly place in an orderly manner within 3 minutes.

Drill: The fire alarm sounded, and the Tianmei employees quickly responded to the alarm, bent over to cover their noses, and evacuated from various workshops and offices in an orderly manner. The volunteer fire brigade directs and maintains the evacuation order at each safety exit, and guides the Tianmei people to assemble at the designated place according to the designated route. After the whole company personnel arrived at the safe area, the heads of each department immediately counted the number of people and reported to the deputy commander-in-chief, Manager Zhou.

Summary: This escape drill achieved the expected goal, but it was slightly inferior to last year!

Fire theory knowledge training


 Volunteer firefighters explained the use of fire hoses and fire extinguishers and precautions on the spot, and conducted fire extinguishing drills for everyone.

Hit the drill site directly

Fire extinguisher practice drill

Goal: Tianmei's new employees (referring to the new employees after the last fire drill) learn to use the fire extinguishers. Drill: Under the command of the moderator, the staff lit the incendiary barrels that had been prepared long ago. For this fire drill, Tianmei people especially cherish this opportunity, and everyone is very active in participating in the fire drill.



 Under the arrangement of the host, Tianmei people operated in strict accordance with the use of the fire extinguisher, quickly extinguished the flames, and mastered the use of the fire extinguisher.Summary: The pass rate of this fire extinguisher practical drill is 85%, and there are still 15% of employees who have not mastered how to use fire extinguishers correctly, and relevant training needs to be strengthened in the future

Pay attention to fire protection, life first

Through the learning and drill of fire safety knowledge, Tianmei people have effectively enhanced their awareness of fire prevention and disaster prevention, further improved their emergency response capabilities to sudden fire incidents, and laid a solid foundation for creating a safe and stable working environment.

Reflections on this drill:
1.Simulate the fire scenario, and the evacuation speed of employees was not fast enough;
2.When the fire hydrant connected to the hose, due to special reasons, there was no water spraying out of the fire hydrant;
3. When conducting fire extinguisher drills, a small number of employees did not listen attentively to the explanation of the use of fire extinguishers, resulting in powder spraying out during the use of fire extinguishers.

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